Alexander on Netflix – Unraveling the Epic Journey from Prince to Myth

Alexander The Making of a God Watch on Netflix

Netflix Unveils Six-Part Docudrama on Alexander the Great’s Transformation

Forget the dusty history books – Netflix is bringing Alexander the Great back to life, not just as a legendary conqueror, but as a man whose incredible journey transcended the mortal realm. “Alexander: The Making of a God” is a six-part docudrama series that promises a captivating exploration of his evolution from exiled prince to living deity.

From Exile to Obsession: A Young Prince Hungry for Conquest

The series delves into the formative years of a young Alexander, cast out from his homeland and yearning to prove his worth. We witness his burning ambition take root, fueled by an obsession to dethrone the powerful Persian Emperor Darius. This personal crusade would propel him on a whirlwind conquest, carving his name across the known world in a mere six years.

Beyond Battlefields: A Story Woven with Drama and Deep Dives

“Alexander: The Making of a God” goes beyond the clash of swords and the roar of chariots. It seamlessly blends stunning dramatization with invaluable insights from renowned academics. The narrative is further enriched by groundbreaking archaeological discoveries and ongoing excavations at the legendary city of Alexandria, Egypt, led by the archaeologist Calliope Limneos-Papakosta.

Unveiling the Mystery Behind the Myth: Fact and Fiction Intertwine

This series promises to demystify the enigma that is Alexander the Great. It will explore the intricate blend of fact and fiction surrounding his life, shedding light on the historical realities that fueled the flames of his legend. By examining his strategic brilliance, his relentless drive, and perhaps even his darker impulses, the series aims to paint a nuanced portrait of a man who defied the boundaries of humanity.

Watch on Netflix

More than just a conqueror, Alexander the Great was a symbol of ambition, audacity, and a hunger for immortality. “Alexander: The Making of a God” invites us to embark on a captivating journey through his extraordinary life, where history and myth intertwine to reveal the secrets of a legend.

January 31 Mark your calendars, history buffs and drama enthusiasts alike! “Alexander: The Making of a God” promises to be a must-watch event, rewriting the narrative of a timeless icon.

Article by Philip George

With a decade of experience, Philip is the founder of Best Netflix Series, dedicated to tracking the ever-changing Netflix library. Alongside him, Philip diligently maintains the "What's New" library, ensures the "Coming Soon" lists are always current, and contributes insights on the latest Netflix movies, series, and games. You can get in touch with Philip at

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